November Theme: Femininity and Beauty


The theme for this month will be Femininity and Beauty. This is somewhat fitting as I will become an Army Wife this month, and Spirit knows that many (but not all) Army Wive are vain and shallow. I am a serious mess, my hair is a rats nest, my clothes could use an upgrade, my house is beyond messy…. I have many areas in my life that could use some TLC, and this month I plan on spending time reconnecting with my femininity and trying to bring beauty back into my home and my appearance. Taking care of oneself is not a negative thing, in fact it is a requirement for a healthy life to take care of, and take pride in, ones appearance.

I will be exploring more into this cards significance this month, and I will be learning how this project will fare in my life and spirituality. It seems like a nifty project, and I will only be using the Major Arcana. This is going to be an interesting month 😀

Faceless Self Portraits

I recently found myself on skillshare, a wonderful website that is well priced and offers classes in many creative mediums, obviously including photography. I found an interesting 8 video course title Creative Self Portrait Photography: Going Beyond the Selfie. The final project is a three image compilation following the teachers format. I really enjoyed this process – I ended up using my smartphone and Instagram in order to finish the project because at this time, my phone is an easier piece of equipment to manage than my DSLR.

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NaNoWriMo 2015

NaNoWriMo – or National Novel Writing Month – is a 30 day challenge to write 50k words. Finish the first draft of a novel. I had planned to get the first portion of my fantasy book finished by Halloween, but life got in the way. My new goal is to finish it by the end of this month. Fingers crossed. I have been dealing with a lot recently, and major changes are happening in our lives. I only hope I can get this finished so I can move on and continue with the other stories in this fantasy universe.

If you want progress reports, I will be updating each day on my NaNoWriMo author page: so please stop on by. I will be posting updates sporadically here, little tidbits and stuff to keep you all going.

Hope everyone who is doing NaNo this year has a good month! Sending the Inspiration Faeries your way!!